A Very Merry Disney Christmas Pop-Up - 16th to 22nd December - The Grove Shopping Centre
When not courageously protecting her homeland and her family’s honour in a military-style uniform, Mulan reposes in a strikingly beautiful and feminine Chinese dress themed to blossoms. On the light yellow portions of her dress, incised patterns repeat across the surface suggestive of Chinese characters. Over her blue wrap around her waist appears a sparkling crimson red waistband outlined in gold colour. The jade and olive-coloured shirt has characteristic long hanging sleeves, also decorated with a blossom pattern. In her left hand Mulan holds a fan themed as well to a blossoming branch. Atop her long flowing black hair and surrounding her bun is a head piece featuring three ruby-coloured faux gemstones. Legendary Mulan has the strength of a warrior, the heart of a princess and is indeed the most beautiful blossom of all.
**This item has been inspected for quality assurance, small variations or slight imperfections may occur as this product is hand painted